Dear Friends,
This Sunday May 17th after our sitting, Pat will lead us through a Touching the Earth ceremony.
Within Thay’s Plum Village tradition, the practice of touching the earth helps us return to the earth and to our roots, to recognize that we are not alone but connected to a whole stream of spiritual and blood ancestors. We touch the earth to let go of the idea that we are separate, and to remind ourselves that we are of the Earth and part of Life. Please do join us if you can. If you have not practiced prostrations before or need a refresher please review this video explanation given by Joann. This will help us use our compressed time format of the Zoom platform efficiently. View here:
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Our gathering begins at 6:30pm EDT. If you would like to join, please send an email to and we will send you the Zoom link details.
Our Sangha is supported by dana - donations given from the heart. Your generosity is a gift that supports the Vihara, WMC expenses, the library, and your own practice. Part of your tax deductible donation also goes to help the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation (which right now is all that is supporting our monks and nuns in monasteries around the world) and automatic monthly donations can be scheduled on the Donate page of this website.
Be well, take good care of yourselves and each other, and we’ll see you Sunday!