Dear Friends,
There is pain around us. There is pain inside us. We may feel overwhelmed by uncertainty... anger... hopelessness.
In this online retreat we will explore the nature of true presence, and develop our capacities to fully enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life and to heal the suffering in and around us.
We’ll practice together with guided and silent meditations, Dharma talks, group sharing, mindful songs and movements, and mindfully engaging in the activities of everyday life. Periods of being together in a Zoom meeting will alternate with time offline enjoying practices such as meals, walking meditation, and mindful exercise.
Dharma Teachers Mitchell Ratner and Barbara Newell, and experienced members of the Still Water community, will lead our retreat. Participants with little meditation experience are welcome, as well as longtime practitioners. To fully benefit from and contribute to our shared retreat experience, all participants are requested to minimize outside commitments.
For further information contact Gary at