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WMC Evening of Remembrance, Sunday November 10

WMC Evening of Remembrance

On Sunday, November 10th on Zoom at the special start time of 6:15 PM eastern standard time, the Washington Mindfulness Community will conduct An Evening of Remembrance.

Join the meeting by the same link as always:                                                                      

Settle in early at 6:15 p.m. to establish a solid foundation for this memorable evening.

Meditation will begin at the usual time of 6:30 p.m.

Time for sharing may be extended, if needed, to as late as 8:00 p.m.

After sitting meditation we will have a time for remembrances and deep listening honoring loved ones who have continued beyond their human (or animal) manifestation.

You are invited to bring a photo, memento, story, song, poem, thought, insight, etc. to share with the community.  Most importantly, bring your open heart and deep listening.

This is designed to be a candle light ceremony.  Kindly arrange yourself with a few unlit candles, i.e. tea candles, electric candles, and a way to light them, or another form of very low level lighting. 

With love,

Beth, Irene, Jude, Nigel, Patti